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Capture d’écran 2021-10-19 à 3.05.56 PM.png

I have done my internship in a communication agency. They were creating their own e-Commerce web site while I was with them. I took part of every step of the process of the creation of this web site. 

I started by contacting potential clients that would send us their product so we could put them online. It was interesting because most of the potential clients were international, so I had to use my English skills.

Then I oversaw completing the data base that they have previously created to add up the products that I got from the news clients.

Later, I had to use the software WORDPRESS to upload the new product as well as completing all the products information that will go online. 

I also had to use photoshop to improve the product’s photos quality.

Among this principal mission I also realized other missions that were not related to the first one. I had to create a pictograms data base, enlighten pack shot of the brand Lafuma as well as looking for new potential clients for the agency that were not yet on their data base.

Click here to see my report

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